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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Why Does She Keep Copying ME?!?!

Has anyone else ever experienced matter where you go, what you wear, someone is ALWAYS staring you down and trying to just be like you? What is it about a certain person that makes them so desirable to imitate? Can someone please tell me?

In my early years, I was plagued by girls in high school hating on me, only to go and mimick what I had, 1 day later, 1 month later, or even, yes, YEARS later. I kid you not...I had one "friend" all throughout high school and college, who suddenly caught up to my high school style post attaining bachelor's degrees. I still remember it like it was yesterday- her sense of accomplishment when she came up to me and presented what her boyfriend got her- all brands which I started wearing 10 years earlier. Did I have such a profound effect on this girl that she spent most of her adult life wishing to be more like me? Little did I know that she also secretly hated me..that came out later.

As if that wasn't enough, I can name tons more through high school and college, but the most bizarre afflictions have been those of female bosses that I have had. I had one boss, who was at least 10 years older than me come in one day, give me the up and down and said "You think you're cute don't you, in your boots and skirt? I used to dress like you, just wait 'til you're married." The next day, this whack-job rolls into work wearing an outdated pair of knee boots and an A-line skirt, a paltry attempt at being more like me, and as she said "cute." If what I was doing was so bad....why did she feel the need to run home, look through her attic and do the same. Not only was it obvious that she was copying me, she came up to me triumphantly and said "see I can do it to." I no longer work there.

At my current place of employment, the same situation has cropped up yet again. I have a new female manager, who is 10 years my senior. In the beginning we had quite divergent styles, and now all of a sudden, she needs a run down of where I shop, and compares with me. She started wearing the same exact things as me and tries to act like we are the same age. Granted, her immitation has not been as offensive as the prior, but it is still annoying as all hell.

I hope that all this imitation will land me some kind of modeling endorsement or something, because, apparently I must be on to something and last by not least-


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