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Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Battle Against that Unwanted Hair!

Ladies...we all deal with it..the waxing, the plucking, the tweezing, the threading. It is just exhuasting!!! You know what I'm talking about- the monthly waxing appointments that you dread going there ever an end to the cycle? We all thought it would grow less and less the more we did it, per our torture inducing waxer...but, no such luck. It faithfully always comes back.

At long last, I can to the conclusion to try a "less painful," more permanent method. No, I'm not talking electrolysis, that's tried and true, but everyone knows it's PAINFUL. I got sucked into the laser craze. I have to admit, they are great at advertising. I see ads for it in the free newspaper I get before my morning commute..and now, some laser centers have been so kind as to add a pop up to anything I watch on youtube!

"Win $5,000 of free laser hair removal"

Sounds great, right? Sign me up!

I took the plunge about 2 months ago after being doggedly pursued by a laser center claiming I won $300 towards treatment (as if that even cover half an area). I'm having a few areas treated, and let me tell you, this stuff HURTS!! Now I'm stuck with this contract, with financing, for the next 18 months!

Let me give you the low down on it. I went to get my lower legs done, thinking this will be a piece of cake. WRONG. This hurt so bad, that I thought I was getting tasered or something. With each beep, I thought I was going to die lying on this treatment table under the brightest lights I've ever seen in my life. Waxing is a little different, yes, it hurts, but it addresses a large area of growth at a time. Laser, not so much. It's basically a gun with an inch of laser attacking your follicles. It's a slight upgrade from electrolysis, but not too quick and ouchless. You can even smell burning sometimes..I'm telling you, this is no joke. I literally go to each appointment with dread, knowing that it's about to hurt and be hot..don't forget..the laser is HOT too.

I'll get into more detail about what each treatment entails and will keep you posted on the progression.

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